Groove3 iZotope RX 8 Explained 音频修复插件教程(英语)


HiDERA | 24 October 2020 | 1.39 GB

Gary Hiebner展示了全面的iZotope RX 8视频教程!这是iZotope RX 8的权威视频手册,从头开始逐步介绍,深入介绍了每个RX 8模块,以及每个有效模块的声音示例。Groove3是iZotope批准的唯一教程合作伙伴,因此您知道该信息是正确的。您还将获得视频中使用的所有音频文件,因此可以在系统上进行后续操作,并实时查看和收听效果。这些视频是为iZotope RX 8新用户设计的。

Gary欢迎您,并从视频中介绍的内容开始,然后向您展示如何在RX 8中设置音频设备。然后详细了解RX 8用户界面,然后介绍如何将音频直接录制到RX中。 8用于编辑和处理。您还将获得有关使用键盘快捷键的有用信息,这些快捷键将加快音频编辑工作流程,以及如何以及为什么将其保存为RX 8中可用的所有不同格式。

在整个视频系列的其余部分中,您将获得40多个专用视频,每个RX 8模块都有一个专用视频,这两个视频都对其进行了解释,然后向您展示了该音频在音频示例中的使用,该示例也包括在课程中演员下载链接。这是学习RX 8的好方法,因为您可以在系统上重现屏幕上的演示,并充分了解该模块及其功能。

要查看这些iZotope RX 8详细教程的内容,以及它们如何系统地逐步教您RX 8中的每个模块的示例,请查看此页面上各个RX 8视频教程的描述。了解为什么iZotope RX 8是用于音频修复,校正和恢复的行业标准软件解决方案……立即观看“iZotope RX 8Explained®”。

Gary Hiebner presents comprehensive iZotope RX 8 video tutorials! This is the definitive video manual for iZotope RX 8 and takes you step-by-step from the beginning, covering every RX 8 module in-depth, along with sonic examples of each module in-action. Groove3 is the only iZotope approved tutorial partner, so you know the info is correct. You also get all of the audio files used in the videos, so you can follow along on your system and both see and hear the effects in real-time. These videos are designed for new iZotope RX 8 users.

Gary welcomes you and starts with what will be covered in the videos, and then shows you how to set up your audio device within RX 8. Then get a detailed overview of the RX 8 user interface, followed by how to record audio directly into RX 8 for editing and processing. You’ll also get helpful info on using keyboard shortcuts that will speed up your audio editing workflow, and how and why to save to all the different formats available in RX 8.

Throughout the rest of the video series, you’ll get 40+ dedicated videos, one for each of the different RX 8 modules that both explains it, and then shows you it being used on an audio example, which is also included via the course extras download link. This is a great way to learn RX 8, as you can reproduce the on screen demonstration on your system, and fully understand the module and what it does.

To see what these detailed iZotope RX 8 tutorials cover, and how they’ll systematically teach you EVERY module in RX 8 step-by-step with examples, look at the individual RX 8 video tutorial descriptions on this page. See why iZotope RX 8 is the industry standard software solution for audio repair, correction and restoration… Watch “iZotope RX 8 Explained®” today.

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